3 Topics 1 Post

Topic 1: I got recognised.

Not in the conventional way on the street or anything, but I stood out enough for someone to ask for my insights.

Daily writing, consistent topic tweeting and being passionate about what I do meant I was provided with the opportunity to answer some questions and give some insight for The Future of Marketing – Online ‘Perspectives Series’.

As everyone is partial to the occasional ego massage, I will admit that it felt good to be asked.

Here’s the link: Read the interview here.

Topic 2: Mistakes.

Mistakes happen. Some are substantial and some are minuscule but we must remember that they’re ok. They generate patterns. If you acknowledging these patterns, they have the ability to provides you with lessons.

Lessons = Learning… Learning is ultimate cheat code of life.

So yeah, mistakes are ok. They’re actually a good thing, as long as you embrace them in the aim of learning from them.

Topic 3: Brand Adaptation.

Here’s an example of brand adaptation: Defected have used the internet as leverage to focus the audience on relevance through digital publishing. Production and Art Direction make this successful. Enjoy.